Welcome to Studio Express

SUSE Studio and Open Build Service are merging. This is the new home for building openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise images.

How to transfer templates from Studio to StudioExpress using Kiwi

You can export a kiwi configuration from SUSE Studio and then import it simply by unpacking the tar.gz file you get and uploading the contained "source.kiwi.txz" file as explained here.

Using Templates

For building an image starting with a template check out:

If you would like to add additional image templates, see the instructions:

Further Development

The development of Studio Express is ongoing. Follow the reports from the engineering team at: http://openbuildservice.org/blog/

There’s also a blog (https://www.suse.com/communities/blog/suse-studio-online-open-build-service-suse-studio-express/) with more details.

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